My friend Juliana:
Kind hearted, always there for you, awesome friend, awesome wife, awesome mother, great daughter, the strongest person I have ever met.
Although we have never met in person, she is one of my closest friends.
We have known each other through the bad: Cancer, family death, more cancer, new illnesses...
And the good: Graduation, marriage, being engaged, becoming a parent, celebrating our lives after cancer...
And now Jules is seriously sick. How can this happen to such an awesome woman who deserves the world!? I am heartbroken that this is happening to her...
She has gone through more than 5 lifetimes of suffering and it keeps coming...
I think about her and John and Johnny every day and pray that she gets better so that one day she can be as energetic and happy as she was before this illness. So that she can play with her son, so that she can go on a date with her husband, so that she can get her life back...
But somehow she stays strong, if not only for herself but for those around her. She keeps a positive outlook even though the glass may not even be close to half full. She is my inspiration, she is the reason I have a positive outlook on my life, she is the reason I live my life to the fullest. If not for myself then for her.
Love you Jules, you deserve the life of a movie star (Demi Moore not Charlie Sheen haha), You deserve the life that most people take for granted...