Saturday, June 25, 2011

New life, New problems

2 years have passed since my amputation and a lot of things have changed. Mostly for the better, but some for the worse.

Summers suck because you want to just wear shorts, but your leg still can't breath... And if I don't wear my leg that meant I have to walk around with crutches (which is scary around the pool because I have a bigger chance of slipping).

Not to mention the rashes and calluses formed by the heat and wear...

But those things are nothing compared to the discrimination I have been experiencing in the last 2 years... This is definitely new to me since I am a white female in California, but now I am a part of the minority too, a disabled young person... someone has to say it, discrimination is still alive and well...

I have been getting glares when I park in the handicap spot, I feel like I am being judged as I walk into Target by people trying to see what my disability is. I feel like I have to limp extra or wear shorts all the time... Just because I am young doesn't mean I don't need a spot...

And I hate to say it, but I am feeling it in the job market...Not the place I work now... They won't even give me the chance or the benefit of the doubt before deciding my disability is not worth the hassle they think will be ensued on them if they employ's frustrating...

I realize now that these new hassles will be a part of my life, but I never thought in the 21st century and this would still be going on...

I guess it will make life more interesting!

People! If the person is qualified, hire them! It's just as much discrimination against a qualified disabled person as it is a qualified African American...remember that!